June 21, 2017 | Source — Tracxn.com
Algoriz is an AI based algorithmic trading platform that enables users to build robust algorithms by simply typing trading ideas in English. Users can test their algos using live market data on simulated matching engine and commission model. Currently, the algos can be deployed on their platform for real-time performance feedback. The company is planning to introduce integration of the algos into real trading. As of March 2017, the company supports only equities but has plans to introduce currency and futures. Currently, the service is being offered for free.
Algoriz Overview
Founded Year - 2015
Location - New York City, United States
Company Stage - Seed
Total Funding - $120K
Last Funding Round - $120K, Seed, Jun 01, 2017
Similar Cos - Streak, Quantopian, Alpaca, Quantiacs, Clearpool Group & 174 others
Disclaimer: Total Funding = Total Disclosed Equity Funding (Pre-exit)
Algoriz Funding Rounds
DateFunding AmountFunding RoundInvestor DetailsJun 01, 2017$120KSeedY Combinator
Algoriz Investors
Y Combinator Mountain View, United States Cerium Technology New York City, United States
Algoriz Founders
Soraya Taghavi, Founder & CEO